31 January, 2006
30 January, 2006
Losing IQ - String Theory - SuperBowl - Orangutans
29 January, 2006
Life's a Beach
28 January, 2006
27 January, 2006
Chinese New Year Predictions
Yesterday, Today.
26 January, 2006
Australia Day
25 January, 2006
ZERO TO HERO!!! w00t!
Yeah, I am old - Gilligan Islands Test.
Narcissus Post on Kimberlys Site.
24 January, 2006
Better Link Method
A Brief Bio of Dabido The Musician
23 January, 2006
Paganini Caprice No.24
22 January, 2006
Slightly Annoyed
The Meme I thought I escaped!
I don't mind doing memes - even if Other Kenny hates me doing them ... Other Kenny, ignore this post and read the rest. (It's not hard to do if you try).
Wonder if all the memes have to do with the end of the year of the Rooster?
The Four Thing-a-me Jiggy Meme.
4 jobs you’ve had in your life: - Studio Musician - (Listed first, as it even impresses other musicians.) Graphic Artist/Designer - (My Favourite Job of all time - I actually used to LEAP out of bed to go to work all happy) Network Engineer - (Seems it's sort of what I do now, and was last job I had where someone employed me). System Administrator - (Listed because it was hell trying to explain to management what the problem was - 13 hour days, 12+ machines and only me doing the work. Pttthhhh!).
4 movies you could watch over and over: Seven Samurai - Akira Kurosawa classic flick (actually, I could watch most of his movies) The Big Sleep - Humphrey Bogart classic, from the Raymond Chandler Novel which I also own. Pulp Fiction - Because it's one of the COOLEST movies evar made. (And I own the Script for it too ... do you like how I didn't even have to edit ST's comment!) :-) A Clockwork Orange - Because it was also a great Anthony Burgess book, and the movie should have included the last chapter ... but bloody Kubrik used the American version of the novel which cut the last chapter out ... typical Americans not understanding art!
4 TV shows you love(d) to watch: - TV?? I think I have a vague recollection of it. Futurama (because it's all true) The Simpsons Battlestar Gallactica Mythbusters
4 places you’ve lived: Penang, Malaysia Perth, Australia Sydney, Australia Adelaide, Australia
4 places you’ve been on vacation to: Hawaii Cairns, (North Qld Australia) Paris, (France) Italy
4 places you would rather be: Florence, Italy Japan Sydney, Australia Somewhere I haven't been before (Either in Asia, the Americas, Africa, Europe, Antarctica, Oceania ... anywhere but here! waaah!) :-)
4 of your favourite foods: Pizza Vegetarian Lasagne Vegie Burgers (made in an Aussie way, with egg, and beetroot and pineapple) Pavlova (It's a yummy Aussie cake named after a Russian Ballerina!)
4 websites you visit daily: Suanie's Blog ST's Blog Slashdot MySpace (Because one of my friends always comments or sends me a message)
4 (victims) tagged:
Hmmmmm, for once, I might leave it for the readers to nab off me. First four people to grab it can run with it. Just leave a comment to say you've taken the meme so I can come check it out when you've finished.
21 January, 2006
Better Learning Methods
20 January, 2006
Coming Last in the Human Race.
19 January, 2006
What City do You Belong IN?
You Belong in London |
![]() |
Have you heard of ...
18 January, 2006
Tokyo Gay Hamster Wars Part Suxtoon.
Poem - the Added Challenge
Kyels - Ten Word Meme
Here is Kyels meme story - she actually broke the rules, my computer says this comes to 308 words ... but, who cares, you have 108 extra words to read! lol
Once there is a girl called Germaine who lived her life in loneliness. She has no one else except her little blue robot called Marty and seedless grapes farm left by her Mother to accompany her. How she wished that she has the power to change her dull life. She wished she could do and see something exciting except of Marty and the farm. But her life consists of nothing but her farm, her soft toy and Karma Sutra books.
As she was serving herself warm water and toast with peanut butter and jam one day, she realised that she has to expand her knowledge about guys and read more Karma Sutra books.
“Oh Marty, why aren’t you a guy and not a toy? Sigh.”
Marty kept quite as it was just a soft toy. And ignored her because he couldn’t comprehend what she was lamenting about. It was lifeless, remember?
After eating her breakfast, Germaine went out for a walk around her farm hoping that a guy will stop by. That was one of her random daily wishes. Suddenly, she heard footsteps and someone calling out for her.
She spun around and she felt bewildered. She just saw a guy and he called her. Though she asked him the stupidest question ever.
“Are you a guy?” She smiled sweetly at him as her mind and pulse were racing.
The guy seemed puzzled by her atrocious question said, “Yes, I am a guy, a man all right.”
Because of the answer, she felt so horny out of a sudden and she remembered what she read in those Karma Sutra books. She opened her mouth and asked him one of the most unbelievable questions a girl would ask a guy.
“Would you like me to give you a blowjob?”
The guy looked at her, puzzled and he nodded.
17 January, 2006
- Do I know the person? [Yes / No]
- Will that person kill me? [Yes / No]
- Do I owe this person PAYBACK for a meme? [Yes / No]
- Does this person like meme's? [Yes / No ]
- Is this person a friend? [Yes / No ]
- If I throw them this meme, will they still be my friend? [Yes / No ]
- Has the person already had this meme? [Yes / No ]
- ...
- ...
- Go back to Step 3
Ten Word Meme
CMOS has finished his Ten Word Determined Essay meme.
Only Kyels left to write hers. (I think NO ONE has done the other meme PLEASE CHECK TO SEE IF IT IS YOU ... not that it matters, as this blog is the meme's graveyard lol)
It's been days since the crash. If only he had not brought that darn rickety Cessna into the air. But the temptation was too great. Freedom's on everyone's mind. And what better way than to fly."I could have died if it weren't for forest canopy", Kyle thought to himself. "Why did the dang fuel gauge fail? Laika shouldn't have her life taken away like that... it should have been me instead!" Kyle's dog did not survive the crash.
He looked at the table next to his bed while taking a sip of water. He didn't touch the bunch of grapes his neighbour brought him. Random thoughts overcame Kyle as he tried to make sense of the madness.
He pressed the power switch on the TV. But there's nothing he could do to shake off the feeling of loneliness. Kyle started sifting through the mails instead. Damn. Josh have been subscribing porn on cable again. Blowjob Galore? "That useless son of a gun", Kyle thought of his stepson.
It'll be better if men were more like robots. Cold hard steel, that doesn't need to feel. It was just too painful. The clear blue sky did little to lift Kyle's spirit.
Who Will Marry Whom?
- So who has a list?
- Are there good matchmakers out there?
- How accurate are these peoples lists?
- Is there a bloggers list (ie, blogger A to wed Blogger B) etc?
- I'm just curious ... and in my experience, it's only been girls with these lists ... any guys have these lists also?
- Who in Bloggerdom would make good couples?
- - Do they know each other?
The Power of Meme
16 January, 2006
Last Two Days
10 Words - first three stories, two to go!
This is a story of a really perverted boy named Narmi. He’s so perverted, he thinks of sex every second of his life. You might say this is normal behaviour for men, but I am not like him. His mum was worried, so she asked me to help her son.
Went over to his Narmi’s house. He was on the internet, reading an article of how to get the perfect blowjob. He was very excited. ‘Did you know, it’s like sucking on grapes?’ he quipped.
Didn’t know. How the hell could he link the two at random? His brain power is amazing.
Was he overcome by loneliness to think of such things? If only he was a robot, then his brains could be short-circuited with a glass of water and curing him from having the sickeningly blue thoughts that is overpowering him.
15 January, 2006
Is Pluto Probe Needed?

Tokyo Gay Hamster Wars - Index 1 -15
Yesterday 14 Jan 06
14 January, 2006
10 words determined essay
1) write an entry of between 100-200 words, with these words have to be included once, and only once:
- I - me - blowjob - grapes - random - power - loneliness - water - robot - blue
[Only 100 - 200 ... so ... difficult ... to ... keep ... it ... short. WORD COUNT 178 ... all words used and in order!]
2) Out of the 10 words, you can only change 2 words.
[I will change Robot to water, and water to robot. There! Bet you didn't see that coming!]
3) Your essay must make some kind of sense. if it's not cool, then it won't get published… [I have to make sense NOW? Such hard rules!!!]
4) Send to 5 people.
- I'll chuck it to J, as I think she might like to do it. (*COUGH* Payback *COUGH*) :-)
- And Viewtru as he's pretty good at writing kewl stuff.
- Imran, as it might give him more exposure in Blog Land. (I read him, and my shirts are now cleaner and brighter ... you should read him too).
- CMOS, because as a great artist I figure he is creative and might enjoy it.
- Kyels, because as a kewl poet, she might be able to do it as a poem.
I didn't want to chuck it to Paul, Sarah or James as I just chucked them one [and Kenny refuses to do them, and Suanie chucked it my way]. JoeC just had a meme from someone else, so I didn't chuck it his way either.
Most other's either are listed on other peoples sites (example, Kim's site), or just don't update enough.
I really need to develop a group of 'Go To' people for when I get this stuff. ;-)
=:=My 10 Words Determined Essay=:= [As dictated to the Apostle Thaddeus over a cup of coffee ... he was alseep at the time ... ].
This is the story of a superhero, who's alter ego Dirk Dent worked at a Newspaper called 'The Daily Flush'. It's just down the road from 'The Daily Planet' [Superman] and around the corner from 'The Daily Bugle' [Spiderman]. 'Dirk!' screamed the editor. 'Get down to Mega Park, there is news a spaceship just landed.' 'I will boss,' called Dirk back. 'This sounds like a job for Blowman to me.' 'A blowjob? You must be outta your mind Dirk.' Dirk didn't bother changing into his superhero costume, but leapt out the window. Half way down he realised he couldn't fly. Luckily a truck full of grapes was parked just below that window. That single random event saved his life. Dirk tried to remember what his superhero power was. That's right, it was knitting. Now, to figure out why the spaceship had landed. The loneliness of deep space? Had they run out of water? Maybe a crazed robot was flying the thing? Dirk never found out, as a large blue bus hit him while he was crossing the road.