31 March, 2006
30 March, 2006
Dabido Challenge Type II
29 March, 2006
Another Meme on the blog where Memes come to die
Some More Pictures

28 March, 2006
Dabido Challenge - Type Two
- A Character (Can be one you make up, can be an historical person, anything, human, animal, a magical innanimate object, alien ... anything as long as it is a CHARCTER for a story),
- A Location. (Can be a room, a suburb, a city, a country, a planet, a differnet plane of existence)
- An Object (You do know what objects are don't you? They are those material things we can touch)
- An occupation
- A song title
- Something else of the readers choice (can be a theme, an idea, another character, another object or location ... anything).
27 March, 2006
How Insulated Some Scriptwriters Brains are!
My Family are NUTS!!!
26 March, 2006
Glittery Unicorn
25 March, 2006
Jeff's Burpday Party

24 March, 2006
Think Backwards - sdrawkcaB knihT
23 March, 2006
Jeff's Burpday!
22 March, 2006
Avoided the Meme - Did the Majoring thing!
Your Scholastic Strength Is Innovating |
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21 March, 2006
Drama Queens
More than One David Stevenson in the World.
20 March, 2006
Party Like it's 1999 BC :-)

19 March, 2006
Knights Costume Coming Along!

18 March, 2006
Breakthrough - I apologise for the length of the post!
Music Meme
Music Meme from Erna's site:
As I love my music and stuff, (and I stupidly read Erna's post, thus getting me tagged), here it is.
[Yes Kenny, you hate meme's. Have you read my Burpday post? Wish my mum a Happy Burpday!] :-)
I know, they're asking for one song ... and stupidly I'm giving more than one. I'm so stupardo as I usually don't associate one song to things.
One song… from your early childhood: How early? Pre four years old, anything by the Seekers (as my mother used to take us to kindergarten singing their tunes). Or 'Rubber Ducky' by Earnie (Sesame Street). In Malaysia, (4 to 7 years), Beatle tunes ('Yellow Submarine' was one which sticks in my mind from that time, as well as 'Ticket to Ride'.) 'Leaving on a Jet Plane', 'Cecelia', 'Proud Mary', 'ABC' [Jackson Five], 'Yellow River' ... the list goes on.
One song… you are associating with your first big love: Hmmmm ... first big love was Stacey C, 1978 ... 'Knock on Wood' by Amy Stewart. 'I can't stand the Rain' by Eruption. [These don't include about ten or so songs I wrote about the break up! Waaaah!] Then, there are probably even more ... Barracuda (Heart), Eruption(Van Halen), most of KISS songs released by that date. Led Zepplin, Emerson Lake and Palmer (Yeah, I'm naming bands ... so many songs from that time) ... the Beatles ...
One song… which reminds you of one of your holidays: 'Dreadlock Holiday' by 10CC (as we listened to is on Holiday) ... I sort of had a tape I made with all sorts of things on it. 'I See Red' by Split ends, 'My Sharona', Billy Joel's 'My Life' (or whatever it was called) ... I should go looking for that tape to see if it still exists! ;-) It was a thirty minute tape ... actually, there were about six tapes I had for the road trip ... just one was my favourite tape.
One song… you like, but you have got problems confessing to: Actually, I used to HATE ABBA as I found them really corny ... then I read one day that Benny (from ABBA) said he always thought they were corny too ... after that, all ABBA songs became nostalgic to me. I have no idea why! Actually, 'Ant Music' by Adam and the Ants is one I have trouble admitting to ... I used to own the 'Kings of the Wild Frontier' album ... oh dear, oh dear ...
One song… which accompanied you, while you where lovesick: I've written a lot of my own songs. My song 'Hold Me Up' (which is sort of my theme song), is the song I play when I am love sick (literally playing it on Guitar. There is no recording of it). 'Hold On' (which has an MP3 linked to it previously on this site, and linked to again today), is also one I like to play on guitar to myself. [Once again, appologise for the quality of the recording. Has to be re-mixed!]
One song… you listened to most often in your life: Possibly 'Smells like Teen Spirit' by Nirvana OR 'Careful with that Axe Eugene' by Pink Floyd! [This doesn't include my own songs though.]
One song… which is your most favoured instrumental: Um ... maybe 'Minuet for Lovers' by Bach (in G). Or 'Tocata and Fugue' (also Bach), OR, 'Eruption', (Van Halen) OR, 'Surfing with the Alien' (Satriani) ... or any Floyd Instrumental.
One song… which represents one of your most favoured bands: Hmmm, 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' represents Nirvana. 'Knifes Edge' by Emerson, Lake and Palmer. 'Wish You Were Here', by Pink Floyd. 'Yesterday', by The Beatles. [Or maybe 'Something'] 'Over The Hills and Far Away', Led Zepplin.
One song… in which you recognize yourself or through which you feel somehow understood: 'Everyone's a winner', by Hot Chocolate. I probably would have written, 'Hold me up' (aka my theme song), but I'm getting to the point in life where I no longer need that song to keep me going. In fact, I haven't even played it for years! I also could have written, 'Smells like Teen Spirit' which really defined my Generation (Gen X). Or 'Comfortably Numb' by Pink Floyd.
One song… which reminds you to a certain occasion (and the occasion): 'Pride (in the name of love', by U2. I used to love that song, and I used to play snooker at Uni, and I always loved it when that tune came on the radio. [They had a great sound system at Uni in the Snooker/pool area].
One song… you like an which belongs to the Hip Hop / Rap genre: That Slim Shady song by Eminem. OR, the Run DMC version of 'Walk This Way'
One song… which is the best for you to relax: 'I can see clearly now the rain has gone', [I used to play it on piano to myself.] OR, 'Nights in White Satin', Moody Blues. OR, anything by James Taylor.
One song… which symbolizes a great time in your life: The entire 'Wish You Were Here' album by Pink Floyd (as I like to have sex to it ... played through twice. Makes it good to pace oneself!)
One song… which is your most favourite song at the moment: 'Icarus Wings', by ME (yes, I wrote that one. I play it over and over at the moment.) I also have a few other's I'm playing. 'Slow Fuse' and a few un-named songs. As far as other bands songs are concerned ... um ... Maybe anything by Pink Floyd.
One song… which you would dedicate to your best friend: Um ... sort of short on best friends at the moment ... Maybe Princes "22 positions in a one night stand" ... for no reason! :-)
One song… where you have got the feeling that no one besides you likes it: 'Holocaust', by ME (Yes, another one of my own). I wrote it in 1985, recorded it in 1987, and all the Musicians I know who hear it think it's fantastic ... but almost everyone else I know hates it ... it's a weird Success and Failure in one!
One song… you like because of its lyrics: I read almost all the lyrics to all the songs I listen to ... I just have to understand what they're talking about (or at least put my own spin to it) ... so all songs (or most songs). :-)
I failed to mention Jimi Hendrix in all this. I'll just mention him now, as he's also super special in my list of favourite artists. [And if I started a list ... Frank Zappa, Cream, Alman Brothers etc it could go on forever!]
I'm going to do an Erna and say, 'If you read this, you're tagged' ... unless you leav a comment saying you're not going to do it! ;-) Choice is yours. [Except Suanie, as I owe her one! You're tagged! Bwahahahahaaa!] :-)
Happy Burpday to my Mother
17 March, 2006
Scotish Heraldry
Something Stupardo!!!!
16 March, 2006
The School Meme
- RAAF School Penang (Penang, Malaysia ... d'uh!)
- Pembleton (or Emberly or something) Primary (Perth, Australia)
- Hampton Park Primary (Perth, Australia)
- Wanneroo Primary (Perth, Australia)
- Wanneroo High School (Perth, Australia)
- Smithfield Plains High School (Adelaide, Australia)
- Woolooware High School (Sydney, Australia)
How Much Time can someone waste?
15 March, 2006
Opening Ceremony
14 March, 2006
Medieval Archtype
Lover I'm not telling your actual score. Hmph! |
The Lover (or Poet) is a rare type. (S)He has a rather contradictory
nature. He is completely unselfish and generally regards others above
himself, yet somehow in his effort to please, often ends up doing
things that appear completely self-centered. The Lover loves people and
strives for acceptance, but at the same time withdraws from the world.
Lovers are authors, artists, philosophers, and musicians. They live
unorthodox, unconventional, or even chaotic lives. Lovers experience
the highest highs and lowest lows.
The Lover's complement is the hardened, unhesitant Warrior. |
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My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The Medieval Archetype Test written by isayso on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test |
13 March, 2006
Teaching & the Bored Dabido!
12 March, 2006
Knights Outfit almost complete.
11 March, 2006
Acid Vomit!

- The chain mail like material to stick the arms and hood on it.
- The Family crest (on the white top bit) as well as my own Bear Rampant that I designed years ago. (in the red top bit. Bear will be either white or yellow).
- A longer belt (that one is at it's final hole ... I only bought it a while ago and my belly has almost out grown it)