The Blog of Dabido (the Baka one). Everything in this blog is copyrighted. Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006 by D. Stevenson.

20 March, 2006

Party Like it's 1999 BC :-)

On the weekend, we had THREE birthdays to celebrate. My mothers, my Niece Cayley and my nephew Elijah. (In age order.) Lot's of family fun and not too much killing each other ... well, maybe a little. ;-) My sister Angella, my neohew (her son) Elijah, and my mother. My mother unwrapping her present, with my Nephew Ethan in the background My Nephew Joshua. When we first arrived, Joshua and Elijah were both asleep. :-) How cute, all ZONKED out! :-) My sister, Elijah and my mtoher again The entire clan (minus Jeff and myself, as Jeff ran off to the right to avoid being on the Internet, and I was taking the photo!) ;-) People are: Sister Angella, her husband Kim (obscured by Angella), my brother Paul (with back towards us), Ethan, Adam, Elijah (all nephews), my mother, Cayley and Nez (my sister in Law). I had more photo's, but Blogger has real problems loading photo's at the moment. I can't even stick them on Flickr and link to them! Grrrrrr! Silly Blogger! ;-)