31 December, 2005
30 December, 2005
Year of Dog looks good for me.
Year of the Dog looks good for me. Both Career wise, and ROMANCE wise ... so, who wants me ... ??? lol Oh wait, not Year of Dog till End of January! lol
Your Career Outlook
2006 will be a fruitful year for you and your career prospects look very bright. If you are thinking of starting your own business, this will be an excellent year. Make sure you are well-prepared so that your chances of building a viable and successful business are high.
Regardless of whether you are running your own business or working as an employee, you should be wary of business scams. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If you fall into such traps, it may cost you your career or your wealth. So be extra careful.
Improve on your interpersonal skills and be a better team player. Doing so will allow you to achieve your goals much faster.
Your Wealth Outlook
This is a great year for you to accumulate wealth and you should take the opportunity to make some financial investments or go into a business venture.
There is also the possibility of an unexpected windfall. It could be an inheritance; it could be the lottery.
Favourable months are May, September, December of 2006 and January 2007.
Your Health Outlook
Your health outlook is considered average this year. Make sure you see a doctor when you are not feeling well. Seeking treatment early is a wise move.
Make sure you drink moderately if you find yourself needing to socialize and entertain frequently. Avoid having too many late nights and make sure you get enough rest.
Take care of yourself well especially in the months of June, October and November as you are prone to illnesses.
Your Romance Outlook
A great year for romance whether you are single or attached. If you are single, you will have many opportunities to widen your social circle. You exude confidence and charisma, and people are attracted to you. Take your time to get to know people you are attracted to and do not rush into a relationship.
If you are already in a relationship, your relationship will grow from strength to strength. There is also the possibility of a newborn in the family so if you and your spouse are planning to have a child, this will be an opportune time.
The World is Full of SOBiatches!
The Dabido Humour Standard

New Suanie Pictures

29 December, 2005
Hard Friggin' Life!!!
Static Site Has Moved

- I play too many musical instruments (Fstress has said she wants a guy who plays TEN instruments! Darn my talent)
- She is afraid I might kill her if I roll over during the night. (Darn my Fatness)
- I'm afraid she might kill me ... anytime of day or night. (Darn her Temper)
- She wants a guy who sings like an angel - I sing like an angel, but it's the angel of "death caused through suicide to stop them from having to listen to my carcophony".
- She's too short for me. (See point 3 - that point will get me killed)
- She wants someone with an ENGLISH ACCENT - I can fake an English Accent, but how long can I keep it up before I start with the funny Monty Python type voices.
- She has made ZERO attempt to rip through the Teflon suit ... so she isn't even trying. Ptttthhh!
- I have made no attempt to rip through her Teflon Suit (which she apparently has now ... bloody jaded biatch! ... see point 3 - that'll get me killed!)
- I'm waiting for my perfect Japanese Soul mate to appear- which will probably never happen
- She's waiting for her perfect English GuySoul Mate to appear - which will probably never happen.
28 December, 2005
Tokyo Gay Hamster Wars Fourteen (The Manga with Chocolate Chips included!)
27 December, 2005
Autobiography of The King

26 December, 2005
Suanie Pictures

I'm Better Now - dont' send the men in the white coats ... yet.
A Little About Drug Rehab.
25 December, 2005
Christmas Day Lunch
24 December, 2005
Merrrrrryyyyy Christmaaaaaaaaaaaass!

23 December, 2005
Latest Drawings

Quick Guide to Cutting Ones Own Hair.

22 December, 2005
Tokyo Gay Hamster Wars Part Thirteen - (In Colour)
My Thoughts For Today

21 December, 2005
FUTURAMA Reloaded????
Make Your Own Films
Original Xmas Song by Dabido - Number Three
Original Xmas Song by Dabido - Number Two
Original Xmas Song by Dabido - Number One
20 December, 2005
Final Item on the List - Crazy Dates I have been on Part III
Better Photo's
Haven't Written the Hamster Wars for days!
19 December, 2005
Mouse House
17 December, 2005
Tokyo Gay Hamster Wars Part Twelve (Manga with no conscience)
16 December, 2005
New Years Eve???
Problem Solved
Dabido Pimps Himself

- Plays Guitar, drums, keyboards, cello, clarinet, plus more. (Once saw a flute).
- On holidays - White Water Rafts, skydives, scuba, snorkling, mountain bike riding ... basically anything along those sorts of lines in order to relax a little.
- Hobbies - Painting, drawing, computer games, blogging, writing, write music, warhammer, scrabble, fixing up his mothers house.
- Previous Jobs - Studio Musician, Programmer, Systems Analyst, Systems Administrator (Unix), Network Engineer, Graphic Designer, actor, lots of other crap things.
- Unfinished Degrees (in order of starting) - Geology, Physics, Computer Science, Arts, Fine Arts, General Studies. Plans to return to finish all one day.

- Intelligence - (this guy doesn't run on stupid women. They just switch him off - they don't have the CPU power to handle him).
- Fidelity - Must be the only BF installed at any one time.
- Independence - Must be able to hold own opinions. If those opinions differ from those of the product, that is fine, as long as both are able to agree to disagree.
- Pacifist - The product does not like being beaten into a pulp. No matter how many times you might say something like, 'You love it,' the fact of the matter is, the product does not. Don't misuse the product.
- Nice - Most people think they are nice. If, however, you feel you can abuse anyone in the street for any reasons at any time just because you can, then you are not the one for Dabido.
- Computer Literate - Like computers? The product likes computers, and if you do too, then maybe you have something in common.
- Non-Jealous - if you are the sort that turns green, or who hits your BF because some girl looked at him, then maybe you have insecurity problems. Check them at the door.
Likes Games - That's games like Scrabble, not mind games like 'Guess why I am angry at you?'
- Communicates well - Don't expect the product to GUESS what the problem is. It has dated many girls, and they are not all the same. What bothers one does not necessarily bother another one. If it bothers you, speak up (or forever have to listen to the products Pipa playing!)