30 June, 2005
What to do, what to do?
29 June, 2005
Travel Warning!!!
28 June, 2005
Mulholland Drive
How Good is your Enlish ... Anglosh ... oh forget it, let's talk French!
English Genius You scored 100% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 93% Advanced, and 80% Expert! |
You did so extremely well, even I
can't find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon
intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don't. You
have an extensive vocabulary, and you're not afraid to use it properly!
Way to go!
Thank you so much for taking my test. I hope you enjoyed it! For the complete Answer Key, visit my blog: http://shortredhead78.blogspot.com/. |
Link: The Commonly Confused Words Test written by shortredhead78 on Ok Cupid |
27 June, 2005
Back into POBB mode!
26 June, 2005
So Over This Country!!!!
23 June, 2005
Some More Of My Art.
For those who have visited my old website, you might remember some of my old drawings and paintings. I've decided to place some of them here for people to have a perusal of them! :-)
Picture of a Daffodil. One of my favourites. Daffodils are great to draw if you haven't tried drawing them before. Very interesting flowers. (They come out better than my roses! Bwahahaha!)
This is one of my NUDE drawings. (No, I didn't get undressed to draw it. You can catch a cold drawing nude!) :-) Anyway, the picture was drawn from a photograph. Any volunteers? ha ha! No one ever volunteers. Actually, that's not true. I have had volunteers before, but in most cases I am too shy to actually draw/paint nude people from real life. I prefer doing it from photographs for four reasons - 1. The light doesn't change on you. 2. The model doesn't develop cramp and suddenly have to move. 3. Less embarrassing for me. 4. Less embarrassing if I really stuff the picture up too! haha! (Fifth secret reason - less embarrassing if model is really UGLY!)
Yes, it's a Bear. Originally drew this as BEAR was a Nickname I got when I was 12 and it stuck with me. Actually, today Kylie said that Bear was a Nickname that suited me. She said she can see why people called me that.! Bwahahahahahahaa!
Geeees, makes me feel like I might resemble a nice cuddly old bear in some ways. Recently a friend of mine pointed out that BEAR was a term used for a BIG HAIRY gay guy! Pttthhh! Thanks mate! :-) [NOTE: I am neither BIG, nor HAIRY, nor GAY ... and some people question if I am actually a guy. Last time I looked, I was!] :-)
There is an interesting story behind this painting. One of my old flatmates challenged me to see who could paint this picture first (I had it as a photo to begin with). Well, I finished before she even started. For those who remember my old site, I quite often talk about her, as she liked to put me down all the time. She refered to my art as "blobby people" and a few other put downs she'd thought of. Well, here is a painting which she was sure I'd never get done. She was done like a dogs dinner on that challenge! :-)
Nice Day
Yes, it was pouring with rain. My mother got me up at 6:15AM to drive my brother to the bus stop. (Though my brother would have walked - but my mother insisted it was too wet for him!) Got back home, hopped back into bed, but couldn't get back to sleep. 7:30AM Out of bed, and got ready. Off to work at the PCYC. 8:30AM Got to work. Senior Constable Chas wasn't there today. Was supposed to set up the new computer we got but discovered that it didn't have an internal modem, and the internal modem in the old one doesn't fit (to big ... how many times we been told that guys!) :-) Anyway, the day flew. A few other things didn't get completed as we were missing a power board (for the coaches computer and stuff) which I was supposed to attach a new printer to. So that printer isn't set up yet. Not much else to say. The police had a checkpoint set up at the end of the road, just scanning cars for stolen ones with their ARGUS unit. So they and the Salvation Army (who were providing them with coffee and food) kept dropping in to use the toilets and stuff. Another constable turned up to return the BBQ unit. His last name was Stevenson too, but I didn't bother asking if he was relate, as he was pretty tall (and I am from a family of Midgets!) :-) Anyway, it rained pretty heavily all day and Kylie and I basically held the fort at the office. Kylie was working most of the time on a Girls Against Violent Acts (GAVA) program which she runs. I was surprised that there was not a standard program that the police already had set up in order to do this. Kylie was writing it all herself with me giving a little input here and there. Mainly stopping her runaway sentences which never end and keep adding conjunctions and stuff like the word 'AND' and 'BUT' as these are pretty common conjunctions called coordinating conjunctions and if you haven't noticed I am making this a really long runaway sentence using exactly the sort of thing Kylie was doing, but you already knew that, as you are pretty smart ... right? :-) Anyway, I thought it would be a good idea if the Police co-ordinated some effort regarding this sort of program. not all PCYC's run programs, as they like to try to target the local problems themselves. Still, some problems I think can be co-ordinated and should have a standard; after all, relationship problems (including violence towards women), drugs / substance abuse and peer problems are pretty much universal. What I am talking about, is a dug user in a nice neighbourhood is suffering the same sort of problem as a drug user in a worse neighbourhood. Actually, if it's anything like Sydney, they all eventually gather at the same points. (In Sydney it was mainly Kings Cross, though other suburbs had issues). So a standard information pack which can be altered to the local area would be better than every area having to write their own information packs. Maybe it's a target market which someone could approach the Police about. I told Kylie I'd take my Teen Challenge notes in with me (from when I used to do Drug Rehab. in Sydney). I'm not planning on plagiarising the notes (they're copyrighted material), but just use them as a guide to help Kylie with her information pack. She has all the info anyway. She's been running programs for a while. Still, it's a big ask for all PCYC's to write entire programs themselves. Hopefully when they are all connected together off the Internet, they will make some servers available (possible Intranet) which can store this sort of thing, so that they can all beg borrow and steal (share?) information with each other. I feel they are probably continually re-inventing the wheel with totally autonomous programs. Anyway, I blogged on a bit much more about that than I wanted to! I think I over did the weights a little yesterday. Too many reps on my left arm. The poor muscle is hurting. Oh well, must mean it is getting bigger. hee hee! Must do some more tonight! Try to at least look like I have some muscle and not all flab! lol
Which Malaysian Blogger are You?
My Apologies to Jeff Ooi. I doubt I am in the same league as he is. Was interesting to take the test though. Actually, the description sounds pretty accurate of how I see myself. (And how some of my real life friends see me too). I guess the bit I need to add though, (to make it a little more personal), is - Dabido quite often stuffs up and makes a fool of himself. Usually, he will do this when not "acting the clown and making a fool of himself". Dabido tries his hardest, but sometimes his halo is either choking him or lost around his ankles. (He does his best. Be kind to the poor guy.) :-)
Congratulations Dabido, you are...

Jeff Ooi of www.jeffooi.com
You are humble, mild-mannered yet wise. Your knowledge is vast as an ocean, but when confronted with an issue you are passionate about you are tough as a mountain. You have an aura of style, quality, excellence surrounding you that cannot be denied. In a way, you are a rebel, but that's because you are always willing to help out your peers by challenging authority without asking much in return. People respect you. You are a natural born leader, people stop to listen when you speak, and follow you wherever you go. You also have a little bird.
22 June, 2005
Crime and Punishment
21 June, 2005
How I Once Lost 2 kg each week.
20 June, 2005
One of My Own Creations. A Dabido Burrito

The Sleep Deprivation Conspiracy Continues!
- Send out my resume to two job agencies [Have to update it first]
- Organise my passport interview
- Organise the Certificate IV course
- Everything else in my life!
- Exercise
- Take my stomach medication!
18 June, 2005
Second Attempt to write Yesterdays post.
17 June, 2005
Beyond Belief (POBB)
15 June, 2005
A Little About Journalism.
Anyway, as part of this degree, I was going to try a three way Major – Visual Art, Philosophy and Literary Studies. I started on the literary studies part, but was unable to fit my exams into my tight schedule. The study did teach me a few things though. These will be included below if you have the will to read on (knowing that it may be verbose and hypersomnia inducing!) :-)
On Kimberlycun's blog, (and several other peoples blogs) recent articles have been written basically decrying the poor journalism of a couple of hacks who had the audacity to bring blogging into disrepute. I will not go into details, you can read the articles on each persons blog. My article is not about that newspaper article. It is more about journalism in general and some questions S-Kay asked on Kimberly's blog.
What happened to journalism ethics? They don't exist anymore do they? What happened to publishing news based on concrete facts. And I thought journalism emphasized on looking at one scenario from not only one side of it but two (or more).
The point I made when I commented on Kimberly's blog, was that journalism is NOT about telling the truth, or anything else. It is about SELLING newspapers. First and foremost, if we understand this, we will see why the truth often falls by the wayside, and integrity is more of a grey area included in newspapers.
Let me tackle S-Kay's first question: What happened to journalism ethics? They don't exist anymore do they?
Nope. They never existed. They are like most things in modern society. They are little white lies told to keep people from knowing the truth. This one also stops people from questioning what is written, and after all, is that not what most of the world is about. Stopping people from thinking, and stopping people from asking questions that someone, somewhere along the line will have to answer.
This does not mean that there is not media people or journalists out there who are not ethical. I am sure most journalists go out everyday with their own set of ethics and social values. A journalist will only be as ethical as anyone else.
They have a saying in show business. “We don't care if you won't do it. We can always find someone else who will.” Actually, from personal experience, I think this is most businesses.
The problem with this, is it means most companies will let you resign and just hire someone willing to do the dirty illegal things you and I would not do. Ethics is something which is forced onto businesses through laws. (Businesses are neither ethical nor unethical by default. It is the people who work for them who will fall into the ethical and unethical departments). We can only hope that the laws of the land force enough ethics into a businesses to make us feel safe to compete and work.
So, with this in mind, what business is the Newspaper Publisher in? It is in the SELLING Newspapers business. If it cannot sell newspapers, then it will cease to exist. The actual writing of the paper is a secondary thing for the business, which it must do in order to fill its paper with content. If people would buy the same newspaper everyday, then they would not be bothered writing new articles. They would just reprint the same paper everyday and sell them.
On the ethical side, papers have been successfully sued for libel before. If they do wish to lean towards a falsehood, they will just tell enough truth to avoid a law suit, while still leaning towards what they want you to believe. Obviously the successful lawsuits are those when they crossed the line.
With this in mind, do papers have agendas?
Yes, that is why they hire editors and writers. Most of the time, a writer will always err towards their own bias! Most people on the planet have a bias (whether they think so or not) and will err towards it either consciously or subconsciously. In the case of the media, it is almost always conscious. Why? Well, they need to sell papers.
Part of my Literary studies course was to get to the crux of what was actually being said, and (hopefully) to see through the deception of the writers to what is a fact, and what is in fact editorial. Most writers, whether they will admit it or not, editorialise. Yes, even me, but hey, I am not pretending this is anything other than my personal opinion based on what I know and have learnt.
Notice this line I wrote, “...decrying the poor journalism of a couple of hacks who had the audacity to bring blogging into disrepute.” Yep, that was ME EDITORIALISING. I am not hiding it. Actually, this entire thing is an editorial but, that is what most blogs are. [Keep that in mind as you read this].
Face it, most of us do lean on what we have learnt while living in this world. Some of it we learn through experience, and other things we learn through reading or hearing about in some way.
Let's put it another way. If you read a paper published by socialists, what do you think it's bias would be? If it is published by right winged Nazi's, what would you think their bias would be? Do you think they will report the same incident in the same way?
What is the point of the media if they do not tell the truth?
Well, I am glad you asked. We have already discussed their reason for existing (to SELL SELL SELL). Their relevance to us is, it still behaves to spread the news. In exactly the same way as rumours we would have heard if we were living in a non-media world. Just, in this case, the rumours can be spread more rapidly. They are also more believable as they can include photos, or accounts of eye witnesses.
Let's get to S-Kay's other questions: What happened to publishing news based on concrete facts.
Concrete fact is something which is hard to define. As such, journalists do not stick to it much. After all, what happens if a journalist arrives at a scene, and does not know the complete story. They cannot stand there like dumb asses and say, “Hi, this is Kent Brockman. I'm at the scene of a terrible something which I don't know! I was just asked to come here and report!” That makes no sense. They just run with what they know, embellish it a little and later change what they can confirm or deny.
How many times have you seen the news change from what it was reported as to something else as “more news comes to hand”. This does not mean that the journalist is being a “bad journalist”. After all, the facts are second to actually getting you to read or watch.
S-Kay's last question: (or comment) And I thought journalism emphasized on looking at one scenario from not only one side of it but two (or more).
Nope! The normal meme of journalism is that they do not look at both sides or more. The normal meme they wish you to believe is included in the previous question from S-Kay – they want you to believe they are giving you “just the facts”. This is so you do not think they have a bias. When a story does have 'two sides' they will normally show you people from both sides making comments or answering questions, but it does not mean that both sides are equally being represented, nor does it mean they are getting to the facts.
One of my old Football coaches was interviewed on Television once. (The interview involved his Union, of which he was a Union Official) When the interview came on that night, to his shock, the questions that he had been asked had been edited out. New different questions were used. To make it seem even worse, his answered has been edited to make it say things he had not said. Sound ethical? Sound like they were getting to the facts? Sound illegal? Well, the TV station owns the rights to the interview, which includes editing it to say what they like.
(Remember Oprah being sued recently for editing out a persons comments which would have changed the entire bias of her show. In the court case, she argued that her show was for “Entertainment” NOT “for enlightening the public on issues”. Are you getting an idea of what the media is about? Oprah won the case. This is of course, no criticism of Oprah. Next time you watch her show though, remember what her show is about. If you are watching to get all the information on an issue, then you are a very sad person.)
A recent example of Journalism showing bias, is the “Schapelle Corby is innocent” media coverage in my country at the moment. Is she innocent? I have no idea. I have not seen all the facts. If you believe the Australian media, then she is. If you believe the Indonesians who are protesting and demanding she get the Death Penalty, then she is guilty.
My mother is one of the people in Australia who believes Schapelle was framed and needs to be set free. Why? Was my mother there? Did she see any of what actually happened? No, she was not. She has only seen what the media has allowed her to see. I would not mind seeing what the Indonesian media has said about her. After all, when we see Indonesians on our news demanding the death penalty for her, I wonder what they have been told.
If anyone from Bali is out there, please tell me how the media has portrayed her? It will be interesting to compare. I have resisted writing about Schapelle on my blog previously because, as I have already stated, I do not know if she is guilty or innocent. I DO NOT HAVE ALL THE FACTS. I am sure there are people out there who think they do. If there are, then please do not send them here, send them to the relevant authorities, so that the courts in Indonesia can do their jobs. I am not a judge, or jury. I will most be suspicious of anyone trying to sway me either way.
Similarly, the Michael Jackson trial was recently on. In the US, apparently the population was split as to whether he was guilty or innocent. The main bias I see in the media here, is a slant towards the 'guilty' opinion. Yet, once again, I do not posses all the facts.
Do you feel manipulated yet? I hope so.
Here is one of the things I studied in my literary studies. Part of the course was called “Inventing Australia”. It went into details of things which occurred and were reported in newspapers of the times. It also included writings of people from the times,and their records of what actually happened. It was interesting to see how the newspapers said one thing, and the people on the ground said the opposite. Yet, a lot of the media reports are what eventually went into Australian folklore and helped shape Australia's image. (Mainly as people doing research look at what was written in the papers of the time).
It has been said that, “The victors write history”. In today's media, even the vanquished get their say.
When the US lead troops were in Baghdad in the recent Iraq war. It was funny to watch the Iraqi propaganda minister on TV saying that they were winning the war. He said the US were no where near them. In the meantime, the news was also showing the US soldiers in firefights a few blocks from the very studio that the Iraqi minister was making that announcement. As they say, “The first casualty in war, is the truth.” How true that is!
I could continue adding more examples that I know of, but I'll end it otherwise this will get even bigger than four A4 sized pieces of paper.
Newspapers are about selling newspapers, NOT about reporting the news. A journalist is as ethical as they would be in any other job. (i.e. an ethical journalist would be ethical as a doctor or a car sales man – while an unethical one would probably be an unethical doctor or cars sales man) etc. The Media in and of itself is neither ethical nor unethical – it is the people within it who set the ethical standard. Concrete facts in most cases are neither concrete, nor facts. (Even courts have trouble with that some times) Papers have their own agendas and if you already know their agenda, it helps to sift some of the chaff from the facts. Journalism is not about looking at all sides to a story. There are often as many sides as there are people on the planet.
Your homework - read some newspaper articles and figure out what they are trying to MAKE you beleive. :-)
Feedback both positive and negative welcome.
Five Questions Game - Episode VIII - Return of Jabba the Blog
14 June, 2005
You And That Rifle
13 June, 2005
Must Stay On Target!
- Marry Japanese Girl
- Become Millionaire
- Save the World
11 June, 2005
Last Face To Face Investment Course EVER!
10 June, 2005
Nerds are Better Lovers?
09 June, 2005
This week
Yep! Nail on the Head! I am a Romantic. (Unlike my Sado-Nypho Ex Wife)
You scored as A Romantic. You're a romantic through and through. You may not ever have very many partners, but it's ok. You know that it's about the person who you're having it with, and that the sex is more of a fun biproduct - a very fun biprodict. You know how to make your partner happy, and that's what it's all about.