30 September, 2005
29 September, 2005
How have we changed? MEME
Colour | Red | Blue (or red or white or black) | Purple or Pink | Brown (Esp. Poo brown) |
Food | Roast Potatoes | Pizza | Brussle Sprouts | Brussle Srouts |
Fruit | Rambutans | Bananas | Lemon | Orange |
Ice Cream | Chocolate | Mint Choc Chip | Strawberry | Caramel |
Male Movie Star | John Wayne | Johnny Depp | Dr Smith from Lost in Space | Anyone who can't act |
Female Movie Star | Katherine Hepburn | Audrey Hepburn | Joan Crawford | Anyone who can't act |
School Subject | Art | Art | Phys Ed | Phys Ed |
Band | Beatles | Pink Floyd | Black Lace | Black lace |
Movie | Jaws (Maybe) | Seven Samurai | Wizard of Oz | Any Hollywood crap |
Song | Maximillian Mouse | Careful with that Axe Eugene | Agadoo | Agadoo |
Yeah, I do write too much!
How Weird?
28 September, 2005
I Am That Blogger

Sick Last Three Days
27 September, 2005
Teflon Suit at Work
26 September, 2005
What's Dabido up to now?
25 September, 2005
Quick How To Guides (Part Five)

24 September, 2005
My Daily Walking Trail
You are looking at my daily walking trail. Every morning I walk for one to two hours along this trail. Lately, it's been one and a half, except this morning, when I did two.
What it really shows me, is I need to mow the lawn. :-)
Normally, the dogs do their business all over the path. I don't know why, but I assume it has to do with them trying to associate their smells with where I walk.
Every morning, I start my walk off, by going around with a rake and playing Dog Doo Golf. Hitting the dog doo into the garden and off the track.
Soon, all this grass will turn brown and start to die. Pity.
I used to read while walking. Now I listen to a tape recorder. I suspect the walking and reading simultaneously was causing me eyestrain. As you walk, your eyes have to adjust to take into account the fact that the book is bobbing up and down.
The little red car you see parked next to our house, is my proton satria. Made in Malaysia. It's been all over Australia - well, not all of Australia. It easily made the trip across the Nullabour Plains until THAT kangaroo lept in front of us and WHAM! $4500 worth of damage! OUCH!~!
The dog in the foreground in Toby (or Tobias). He's a good dog. We also own his sister Elly. She is a demanding little dog who likes to yap a lot. Yap Yap Yap Yap ... hmmm, wonder if she'll ever shut up. Probably not. I suspect three years after shes gone she'll still be yapping.
Anyway, if I want Toby to go for a walk with me, I just jog a bit. He likes to leap up and bite my butt! Elly never ever goes for a walk. She just sits and watches me. I think she's figured out that I just walk or run in circles. :-)
The white car in the foreground is my youngest brothers. He also owns another car which my mother uses.
Below is Toby rolling around on the grass. One of our sheds is in the background. Some of the trees are already turning brown ready for summer. Our wood shed is behind the shed you can see. Most of the wood now has termites in it. The builders didn't follow my mothers instructions. They didn't build the house in the middle of the block like she'd asked.
We suspect my father might have had something to do with that. Apparently, he went into the builders office and made changes against my mother's will. So bits of the house were changed and re-arranged to annoy her, rather than to fit the actual design she'd made. It's a pity the builders did that, as my mother was the person who was paying for it all. She had saved the deposit and everything. My father just changed things because he's an absolute d***head, and liked to annoy the rest of the family. Part of it was a control thing. He likes to pretend that he can do what he wants, and everyone else has to do what he says! No wonder no one talks to him anymore.
Steal These Buttons

23 September, 2005
Who Are You?
Quick How To Guides (Part Four)
- Your life/day (something that happened) [Birthdays, exams, idiots on the road etc]
- Something on someone elses site (blog or not) which inspired you (but don't rely on this for inspiration. I find it is best to do this when you do find something inspirational, NOT as a means of finding inspiration)
- Latest News Event (anything from the news, whether serious, or humourous)
- Food (very popular)
- Review a book, DVD, movie, CD, song, art piece, (endless) anything really
- Write about an historic hero of yours
- Write about an historic idiot/villian/event.
- Write about something philisophical (One of my favourites)
- Write about religion (try not to offend others of other religions or even your own)
- Write about a personal opinion (You do have them you know)
- Write about a problem or quandry (this often helps people think their way through them, and often helps others who are suffering similar things - it also invites discussion which might include things you never thought about)
- Write a poem
- Write a piece of Fiction.
- Complain and whinge about idiots you encounter, or things which annoy you.
- Write about things or people who inspire you
- Write about some profound saying which you find helpful in your life
- Write about something which happened in your past.
- Write a self help guide on something (like, how to change a lightbulb without falling off the ladder, or how to avoid burping ... anything ... how to write better blogs)
- Write something you find funny (and think others might)
- Steal a joke from somewhere and draw cartoon pictures to go with it. (eg KY)
- Write about your possible future
- Write about how something in your past might have changed your future if you did it different
- Write about love (your first or latest, or lack of)
- Write about the world in general - get political, or pacifistic, or defend the downtroden, or just be a bastard/bitch about it all.
- Write about where you've been or where you'd like to go.
- Write about technology/money or anything you might include as one of your hobbies
- Write about what you'd like to do (skydive - scuba dive - climb everest - sit on the beach)
- Write about a weird dream you had (or make one up and pretend it was a dream) :-)
- Lie OR get overly honest OR confesssssss everything! (Yes, the body is in the boot of my car) :-)
- Offer an opinion on anything and ask for other opinions
- Sports (if you do them) - which team do you follow ... why ...
- Culture (your own, or others you have experienced)
- Pat someone on the back for something they've acheived (World intergender nose rubbing champion of the year?)
- Go to Yahoo! or some other site with a list of subjects and follow links down as far as you go ... whatever subject you arrive at, that's tonights topic.
- Randomly open the encyclodepia to any page, and then research that topic ... then write what you have learnt
- Write about famous people, non-famous people who you think should be famous, or famous people who shouldn't etc
- Write about brands you support and ones you don't explain why.
Why do we blog?
- Anything and Everything - YEP!
- Family - YEP!
- Friends - YEP!
- Hobbies - YEP!
- SelfEsteem/Self Help - YEP!
- Job -YEP!
- News - YEP!
- Gossip - YEP!
- School -YEP! (In my case whatever I am studying lately! I'm not actually AT SCHOOL)
- Entertainment - YEP!
- To get a different, fresh perspective on the news - NOPE!
- I like interacting with participants through posting - YEP!
- For Gossip - YEP!
- It's the easiest way to get the latest news - YEP! (Off Slashdot in my case)
- I like the format - HUH? (What's so different to formats that websites had before?)
- To Stay Up On The Competition - Huh? What competition? I'm supposed to be competeing?
- It serves as therapy - YEP! (It's replaced my personal diary)
- To stay in touch with family and friends - NOPE! I have to get friends now? What's wrong with hanging out with computers? :-)
- To improve my writing skills - NOPE! Definitely not. In fact, I usually write so fast on my blog, that I don't spell check nor think too hard about anything. (Same as my comments! Straight out of the brain - no re-writes, no deep thought, no polishing to make more diplomatic or savoury)
- Because my friends, family and colleagues do - NOPE! Don't know anyone who fits into that category (other than my 'friends' I've met through the internet).
- Interested in Journalism - NOPE! Not really.
- It's the latest trend - NOPE! Arrrgh~! If anything, I see this as a reason to STOP blogging!
- To stay ahead of the news or gossip trends - NOPE! Is this possible, considering that most blogs get their news/gossip etc off other sites? Just subscribe to the websites that generate this news.
- To expose political information - NOPE! I'm no Jeff Ooi. I occasionally give my opinion of political stuff, but expose it? Nope!
- Information on the web doesn't fulfill me needs - NOPE! If I can't find what I want on the www, I can normally find somewhere on the www which will sell it to me in some form. Besides, BLOGS are on the web! Ptttthhhh!
- Hope it brings fame or notoriety - NOPE! Not me! I prefer to avoid fame. Can't think of anything worse. Notoriety probably means you are deliberately antagonising others for some reason. I can do that by accident! :-) Besides, isn't notoriety just 'fame for the wrong reasons' ???
22 September, 2005
Happy Birthday Suanie
21 September, 2005
Start of Business Course
Quick How To Guides (Part Three)
20 September, 2005
Quick How To Guides (Part Two)
- Spend all night getting courage to ask girl to dance. (Another Black Russian thanks)
- Finally, ask a girl to dance.
- Get up on the dance floor with the girl.
- Dance.
- Some other guy would dance over, start talking with the girl ... and off they'd go together!
- Guy: Hey, you wanna make out?
- Wife: No, I'm married.
- Guy: So, I don't care. You wanna make out?
- Wife: No, my husband is right here! (Pointing at me)
- Guy: So, I don't care.
- Me: Hey, she's said, 'No' twice already! We're married, don't you get it?
- Guy: Yeah, Okay. So, you wanna make out?
Quick How To Guides (Part One)
19 September, 2005
Malaysian Astro! (Not Idol! Astro!)
- Live below your means.
- Avoid Debt (no credit cards, loans etc)
- Purchase VALUE companies and hold them for life.
- Don't diversify (as it waters down your profits. If you bought the right company/shares etc, then you shoud only be benefiting from them. Diversification is a way to minimising loss from poor decisions).
- If you can't find a VALUE company, then don't purchase anything.
- Give back to the community/world.