30 July, 2005
Please correct if incorrect. :-)
ばなな が すき です。 あなた わ ばなな に すき です か。
ギタが できます。 スケツチ わ できます。
日本 に いきたい です。 あなた わ 日本 いきたい です か。
End of Japanese before I give myself a headache! bwahahahaaaa!
Just practicing before I leave for UK. I want to be able to speak it better and read Kanji a lot better before I get there. Nothing worse than standing in the middle of Tokyo screaming 'Help! Help!' Of course, I'd scream it in Japanese ... provided I remember it!
[Note to self: Practice screaming 'Tasukete! Tasukete!' Also, practice breaking into tears ... it might get some sympathy, like some baka gaijin lost ina strange country!] :-)
I can't remember if the Hirigana/Katakana and Kanji actually worked before. Maybe it works on my screen as I am set up for it. Not sure how others will see it.
Anyway - on some Japanese websites, all I get is ? ? ? ? ? characters instead of the Japanese. Anyone know why that is?
Other sites I see the Kana quite easily.
29 July, 2005
Who Needs a GF?
Who needs a GF when every Otoku nerd in Japan will soon have one of these babies.
Yes, it's the end of the human race as we know it. Soon, people won't interact to have sex, because thy'll have an android which can do it better than any man or woman on the planet. They'll be just like 'Bladerunner' / 'AI' type androids where you can't tell the difference between a human and the machine.
So, Suanie, F***stress and the rest of you who are worried about not having a BF at present, life could get a whole lot worse! Of course, at present these things aren't on the production line, nor are they up to standard, so there are a few years left before GF's become obsolete and Repliee Q1's are all the rage.
Still, I think I want mine to look different than the models they have at present - maybe even one you can change the face and hair on, so you can have a different GF every week.
Of course, the actual production of babies will probably be done in factories via a 'Brave New World' type method.
So Babes, Girls, Fembots, and other assorted females - tell me why I should go out with a woman?
Actually, I can think of several good reasons myself ... but that would be counter to the exercise. I want to know WHY YOU think I need a woman?
[And if you can't think of any reasons girls, you owe me one Replicant!] :-)
Face Analyser!
Want to waste sometime with some useless and incorrect information! Here is the face analyser
I stole it from Jo-Lo's page.
You load a picture of yourself and it analyses it. Not very good considering I have IQ in top 1% of Australia, yet it never once said I was intelligent! Waaah!
I copied the information for Academic - as the face analyser wants photos which closely match that sort of photo. I shoudl take a more recent photo and see if it gets any closer. Also, it might be nice if they differentiated Celtic from Anglo Saxon! Two entirely different peoples.
And WHY no African in the analysis?????
I got a lot of similar results on them ... yet three different races and three different occupations!
All incorrect! Oh well - another useless piece of software! hee hee!
Personality Profile:
You are a long-term planner, diligent worker and avoid risk as much as possible. You are of above average intelligence and have the ability to focus on tasks that seem unimportant at present, but can lead to greater things in the foreseeable future. You are not keen to interact with others or make social connections. You would rather gain material wealth before putting yourself in a position to be judged. You are not confrontational unless someone directly opposes your intellectual beliefs. You are highly concerned with your social status. You are keen to avoid risks that could jeopardize your long-term plans. You take a calculated approach to life, working hard to control all aspects of it in order to not leave anything important to chance.
You tend to be a perfectionist and quite self-conscious. You sometimes wish you were less reserved and more like some others you see who are more bold and outspoken in social situations. But as much as you try to be like them, you cannot, because you care too much about the future to ever be comfortable taking risks in social situations.
Your view of other types
Academic types can end up rich but it will take longer than with Boss types. You see Boss types as potential business clients and as great resources to expand your contacts. Therefore you treat them with respect. For the most part you do not respect Artist types, however there are some Alpha Artists that you give some credit to. You look down upon Blue collar types as you consider them ignorant. You see White collar types as unsuccessful versions of yourself, but because of work situations you may have to interact with them often. You have very little in common with Charmers, therefore you avoid them. You consider Gambler types to make foolish decisions, and for the most part you do not interact with them. At times you feel sorry for Drifters.
Other types' view of you
Boss types consider you to be a valuable resource of advice. They constantly interact with you to make better decisions and they often respect your opinion. For the most part Artist types do not interact with you for they rather take it easy. They however may like you because of your knowledge of subjects that they find interesting. Blue collar types find you boring and uptight, they have very little in common with you. White collar types may respect your accomplishments and ambition. Charmer types regard you as mostly withdrawn from life and too uppity to hang around with. Gambler types think that because you play so safe you miss out on great opportunities. Drifter types have no regard for you, because your repetitive routines seem boring to them.
Alpha academic: Solid long-term planner. Highly intelligent, ambitious and loyal to close ones.
Expected Occupations: Lawyer, Doctor, Investment Banker, Chief Accountant, Corporate Consultant, Head Engineer, Stock Broker, Business owner (professional skill/knowledge based business operation)
Beta academic: Not as intelligent or ambitious as Alpha Academics, but still focused on being materially successful.
Expected Occupations: Lawyer, Doctor, Investment Analyst, Accountant, Architect, Engineer, Professor, Researcher, Psychologist
Theta academic: Not as intelligent as Alpha and Beta academics, but still intelligent.
Expected Occupations: Pharmacist, Accountant, Teacher, Journalist, Computer Technician
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28 July, 2005
Todays News
Okay - The Space Shuttle got off okay - and they're banning more flights because of more falling debris.
The Space Shuttle External Fuel Tank also hit a bird. I noticed NASA said it was moving too slow to damage the fuel tank, so no damage done. What about the bird? Does anyone know if it survived? Is the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) going to shut down all space missions till little bumpers are stuck on the thing to deflect birds safely? Or, genetically engineer all birds in the area to grow crash helmets!!! [Okay, now I'm being silly again!] :-)
As I said to my mother, we never had this problem with the Apollo missions ... sure Apollo 13 leaked oxygen, but it never fell to pieces on take off.
MS has shown Longhorn (Vista) off - with brand new Linux Ripped Off innovations! I am always amazed at how much innovation MS has that comes from other Operating Systems. If you are interested in the details, link to Slashdot and read about it (check the slashdot button in the side bar) otherwise click here!
My Nana (Grandmother) phoned my mother today. Another voice added to the 'David, don't go to the UK' lobby.
She was telling my mother about when she lived in London during the Blitz! A bomb hit their neighbours house (Back neighbour, not next door one) blowing the house to shreads, while my Grandmother was pregnant with my mother (1944 or 1945). Apparently, the force went right through my Grandmother's body (the description she gave sounded like being VERY close to the speaker stack at a VERY loud rock concert!) The shock wave she felt lasted a while and apparently she had a nervous breakdown after the incident. (That's where I get those nervous break downs from ... it's hereditary!) :-)
One house away - that's how close my Grandmother, Mother (and following that) I, came to not being here today! Imagine if the bombadier waited just a split second later!
You'd be reading someone elses site right now.
[Oooo, I just checked a site called www.londonblitz.com and it's an American fooball team. A weird thought ran through my mind - should I take my gridiron gear when I go to the UK ... do they have an over 40's league! Then again, I can always coach it there I guess. I am a qualified coach].
Had another interview today - this was for contract positions as a Network Engineer. Seemed to go well. Not sure if anything will come from it though.
I also was phoned by the Government - but I was at the interview - so the long running fight with them may be over! Phew! Let's see what happens! :-)
My mother mentioned to me that JAWS is on this weekend (30th Anniversary). I told her, I haven't been in a swimming pool since, she gave me an inquizative look.
I just said to her, "You do know it was filmed in a Hollywood tank?"
She almost choked on her dinner. :-)
When I returned home from my interview today, I must have got a stressed out bus driver. I payed my fare and told him my destination. He told me he wasn't ready (as the ticket machine wasn't ready). I apologised (I think my exact words were, "Oh, sorry")
He replied," I'm not ready! Be patient! BE PATIENT Alright! There's no rush!"
I thought, gees, wonder what he would have said if I hadn't of said sorry. I decided to keep my mouth shut till he was ready. I didn't want another apology to cause him to have a heart attack!
My brother just gave me an old Xmas card of his. It has a famous Japanese print on the cover of a Tsunami. Apparently, less than a week after someone had given him the card, the Boxing Day Tsunami happened, so he took the card down, and it's been sitting in a draw ever since. As he knew I liked all things Japanese, he's now given the card to me. The Japanese print is of a wave off Kanagawa Prefecture (or Kangaroo Prefecture as I like to pretend). My friend Chisako lives in Kanagawa.
27 July, 2005
Time to Sell
Sold my shares today - it takes an edge off my investment loan - $18,000 off $38,000.
Only $20,000 left to pay. I was also informed that selling my Managed Funds before September will result in me paying 100% capital gains tax. If I sell after Septemeber, it's only 50%.
So, I've decided not to sell them just yet. This means I won't go to the UK until September (or maybe October or Novemeber or December). That gives me some more time, allows my managed funds to increase some more and means I only lose half as much in tax.
Short Term Plans Before Leaving For UK:
- Study and get my CCNA (if possible my CCNP)
- Get super fit
- Write Article for Health Magazine (hopefully getting some money through that)
- Use the same material from the article to write a book (obviously longer and more detailed)
- See if there are any quick and dirty IT Contracts I can do
- Try to finish some of my unfinished art work
- Finish at least one of those darn novels
- Fix up my Synth and get soem music recorded
26 July, 2005
Vague Tomorrows
I really hate my life at present, yet at the same time I am enjoying some of it.
Things which happened recently - my mother was overly stressed last week and on the weekend. This was because she can't escape looking after my sisters kids somehow, while my sister and her husband basically run around living life as though they are still teenagers.
This weekend was strange though.
- Wednesday - my mother goes to my sisters to look after her kids. This is normal.
- Thursday - my mother has my sisters kids over in afternoon.
- Friday - My mother has my sisters kids all day. My brother in-law has gone to Kalgoorlie with his mates for the weekend, leaving my sister to run the football (my brother in-law is the coach) and look after their kids alone.
- Saturday - My mother has my sisters kids until the evening while my sister coaches the football team - while they are still here, my brother drops HIS kids off to stay the night. My sister picks her kids up and takes them to a friends house to be looked after while she and her 'friend' go out.
- Sunday - My mother still has my brothers kids - my sister turns up to drop her kids off again as she goes to watch the football game (professional one) with her eldest son. Eventually my brother and his wife pick up their kids in the afternoon. My sister picks hers up at night. My brother in-law arrived home sometime during the afternoon but was too tired to come pick the kids up.
I found out last night that my MOTHER has been writing my name on cards sent to my eldest brother for the last two years. This is a guy whom I am not on talking terms with. It's funny as he never sends me cards and never speaks to me ... so my mother is making it look like I am crawling to him or something. I just hope my brother knows I neither condone nor write on his friggin' birthday/xmas cards etc.
I know, it sounds pretty heartless of me, but if you knew the background, then you'd understand why I don't speak to him. It's not that I don't forgive him (I forgive everyone), it's the fact that I know I cannot trust him. Here is a brief summary:
My arguement with Government Departments et al continues. While this happens, my life is up in the air (STILL!!!!) I hate this stupid waiting. In the meantime, I still have to write an appeal over one of their decisions, and the outcome of the appeal (plus some other major details) will either cause me to sell up and leave for the UK RIGHT NOW, or to have me postpone it for a short time! From the way they were talking to me today, I am guessing it will be time to pack up and leave.
Apparently, Australia doesn't like people standing up for their rights. (Then again, which Government on Earth does!)
The way it is going, Australia is NOT looking like a nice place to raise kids or try to do anything! Any attempt by the poor to make money is beaten down and they are shoved back into low paying roles in order to keep them poor. Self educated, intelligent people like myself apparently have no right to be here. So me, all my professional qualifications, my IQ in the top 1% (of Australia - no idea where it stands in the rest of the world), and everything else I am able to contribute to this nation will soon be on it's way to other shores. (If I ever become important, thank john Howard and his Nazis).
At present they only want me if I will work as unskilled labour in a factory, which they know is impossible due to my allergies. It would be a death sentence to me!
Soon, there will be no free speach, or free thought. (Okay, there is no free speach at the moment - Australia's constitution never promised free speach anyway!)
I've always said that once I do sell, there is no turning back! If I am forced to sell, then I am leaving this country, and probably for good.
The stateless bit worries me! Being stateless can get you stuck in places - and I don't want that happening. It would be nice if some UN Stateless passport could be created.
What a vague future I have!

- As an elder brother, he was a complete asshole as a kid. Okay, that's probably normal sort of stuff.
- He also used to steal my guitar and other things (never touch a musicians main instrument! It NEVER goes down well.) Some things I got back - but it was damn embarrassing NOT to be able to go to my classical guitar lessons because my guitar was missing. Other things just went! (What's mine was HIS and what was HIS I wasn't even allowed to look at! My parents could never see the problem with that logic!)
- He once held me while my younger brother Paul beat the crap out of me! He claimed it was an accident. (Okay, I later got my own back when in a 'one on one' fight I knocked him out! I'm not a violent person, but I do believe in self defence.)
- He used to lie about me at school in order to increase his own popularity. Two weird things that came about from this was:
- people I didn't know would threaten to beat the crap out of me over things my brother claims I supposedly said about them;
- arguements I had with my brother at home would be retold by my brother at school, only he would claim my arguements as his own and somehow his stupid belief was attributed to me. (Sometimes I know he used to do this on purpose, as some of the beliefs he used to start arguments with were too over the top to be believed by anyone!)
- As an adult he phoned me up and asked me for ten thousand dollars. He claimed he could make me a millionaire if I gave him the money. [I didn't trust him, so I didn't give him the money]. I later found out that he was planning on using the money to pay off his debts (which were over one hundred thousand dollars at that time) and would later claim that the investment went bad and that the money was gone. (aka he was trying to swindle ten thousand dollars from me!)
- He once tried to steal the deed to my mothers house to give to my father, so that my father could sell it and leave my mother penniless and homeless. [Don't get me started on my father!]
I might be writing an article or two for a Men's Health magazine (No, NOT a nudie magazine, a HEALTH one!) We'll see how that goes down. I still have a proposal to write first.
I might use the idea to write a book too. We'll see how I go. (So that's a good thing!)
Another good thing - my passport arrived back fromt he British High Commission in Canberra today with my 'Right of Abode Certificate' in it! My right to return to the UK and live, work, etc is now available! Next, visa to visit Malaysia on holiday and visa for Japan (though I probably won't need one, as I read that if I intend to stay less than 30 days, then as an Aussie I don't require one).

Which leads back to the next problem:
- When to sell?
- When to go?
- Where to go? (UK - via Malaysia, Japan, Amsterdam)
- What to do when I get there?
- Do I renounce my Australian Citizenship and become stateless?

25 July, 2005
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
On my OLD University site (as opposed to my new site), I used to have a FAQ.
It included questions - such as how I got the nickname Bear and some other stuff.
I now have a FAQ button (down towards the bottom of the sidebar), so I figured I should include a FAQ on my site.
So, anyone with any questions for me, please ask away and I'll answer them in my FAQ. Yes, you can ask stupid stuff (no such thing as a stupid question ... pttthh! Of course there is!) You can ask stuff which is personal - stuff which may or may not be embarassing - stuff whcih is serious - stuff which is not - stuff which is just for the sake of curiosity or just plain obvious.
So, anything anyone wants to ask - go ahead and ask!
*chirp chirp* (Sound of crickets) :-)

More Buttons.