The Blog of Dabido (the Baka one). Everything in this blog is copyrighted. Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006 by D. Stevenson.

23 June, 2006

Nicole & Keith

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban will be getting married or something in Sydney sometime soon. With World Cup fever hitting Oz, these are the questions most Aussies on the street have been asking, and I'm here to answer them. What colour strip will each side be wearing? Nicole will probably be in white, this is to aid sports fans who are still viewing on black and white TV's. She is also the home side, so she gets to chose. The rest of her side will probably be wearing a different coloured strip. Keith's team will likely be in black. Who is on the Kidman team? The Kidman team will consist of her sister, Antonia, & her friend Naomi Watts. Rebecca Rigg might be a substitute incase either of the first two get injured. She might make an appearance on the side at the halfway mark. Who is coaching the Kidman side? There is rumours that Baz Luhrman will be coaching Nicole's team. He's coached her before in a Chanel commercial and she scored a goal in the famous Moulin Rouge match. Will Kidman be wearing a false nose? Well, as most remember, she scored big time in 'The Hours' while wearing a false nose. In this match however, she won't be wearin one, preferign to go 'Au Natural' with her own nose. Russell Crowe will be there, what do you think he will bring to the match? Probably a phone. If you hear me yell 'Duck', then do so! Rupert Murdoch will be there! That's a statement and not a question. Who will score first? Probably the striper the night before. Is Nicole suffering Pre-Match nerves? It's been reported that nicole says she has no pre-match gitters. Will Nicole play for Australia one day? I hope not. She's a crap soccer player!